When Josh and I first got our kittens Ruki and Khelana, I knew we would also one day get a dog. After a year of just the cats, we introduced Liesl into the mix. I hoped the introduction would go alright, and really it did. But about a month into having Liesl it became very apparent that Khelana was not her biggest fan. We tried to take Christmas pictures, and Khelana would not stopping batting and hissing at the newest Kinnaman.
Exhibit A: Take a look at that face (kitty on the left)
Exhibit B: Mid-Hiss, and ready to attack
We have come a long way since then. Khelana is still at the point of mainly just tolerating Liesl, but she has taken to spending a lot of time sleeping in Liesl's crate when it isn't occupied, and drinking out of the water bowl in there. In fact, she is cleaning herself in there now, so she can't possibly detest her as much as she used to.
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