Last Christmas, I made the choice to encourage the hubby to have a hobby. He is the type that always feels the need to be improving himself and learning, and had shown an interest in brewing beer, so when Christmas rolled around, I ordered a Cooper's home brewing system I had read would grow with him in his brewing endeavors. It was one of those spur of the moment purchases that wasn't quite spur of the moment because I took a couple hours researching once I decided that would be his Christmas gift.
Well almost a year later, I don't regret that choice for a moment. Now there is even talk of eventually opening our own microbrewery, and a name for our microbrewery has even emerged. Here are some pictures of the most recent home brew in the making. It is the first all-grain brew made with the newly build mash tun and our giant new pot.

And the true proof that it is a home-brew, the beer fermenting in our master closet.