Ever since we moved into our new home (been almost a year now), I have been telling Josh I want a spot for my craft stuff, especially my sewing machine. I've had it for years, but haven't done much with it. I love creating things. It is one of the best feelings to me. So I went out the other day and bought some patterns at Hobby Lobby for $1 each. It was amazing! One of which was a pair of pajama pants. Josh, being relatively tall with a small waist, has a difficult time finding comfy lounging pants. So we went out and he chose some fabric, and I called upon my wonderful grandma-in-law Donna to help me make sense of the pattern.
Posing with the soon to be pants with only the inside seam stitched.

At work on the sewing machine
And after about 8 hours of work turning a piece of fabric into a functional pair of pajama pants, my handsome husband modeling. :-)

I hope to make a habit out of this whole sewing thing. Now to save money for fabric...